Friday, March 9, 2012

The Hunger Games!

I am soooo ready for this movie. See the link below to see that I am not alone!

All three of The Hunger Games books were so interesting, and nailbiting that I couldn't put them down. I was literally cooking food on my stove, and reading The Hunger Games at the same time, because I could not stop reading!!

When I heard what it was about, I thought "why would I want to read a book about kids that had to fight to the death????", but I knew at that time it was being made into a movie and so I thought it would be a good YA book to read. I had given myself the personal goal of reading one YA or School age book in between my adult novels. After I finished the book, I ran in and snatched up the second "Catching Fire", and the third "Mockingjay". That was at a time when you could still find these books on the shelf (good luck now! place a hold!)

I just re-read The Hunger Games (which I had to borrow, cause really, you have to place a hold and be prepared to be #84 on the holds list) because I am planning a Hunger Games program at the library. I am so glad I did. I had forgotten little things that had happened and I will admit, that I read it just as fast the second time, even though I knew how it ended!

So jump on The Hunger Games band wagon with me. You won't be disappointed!

:) Miss Jennifer

1 comment:

  1. The main character is a girl and she shows girls AND boys that 'fighting' isn't about how physically strong you is your inner strength, fire and determination that makes you a winner...and from a boy in the book you learn about the power of love....I can't wait for the movie, but it is never as good as the book!
